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PeaceMakers Answer Center
Is Peacemakers a 501(c)(4), a PAC, or what?
Are my contributions to Peacemakers Institute tax deductable?
What is Peacemakers institute?
What is Peacemakers Political Action?
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I want to become a member! What are the requirements?

In order to become a member you must sign up and pay a $30 membership fee. In return we will send you a free copy of Rev. Cary K. Gordons book "The MasterPeace." Your support for PeaceMakers is incredibly important in helping us fight the American culture war. By joining PeaceMakers you will gain access to vast amounts of resources and information that will empower you to speak boldly in the world of politics! To sign up and become a member, please click here. You will be redirected to the home page where you will see the button Become a Member. Click that button and a menu will appear with more information.

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